ONCE UPON A TIME…A party of valiant Princesses embarked on a grand adventure. They each received a magical Gift from their Fairy Godmothers to aid them in their quest through the enchanted forest. They bargained with pixies, outwitted goblins, danced in the moonlight at a mossy shrine and even stopped for a picnic with a unicorn along the way.
With bright sword in hand, they faced down the fire-breathing dragon and saved the realm. And the beguiling riddle of a mysterious old woman beckoned them deeper into the hidden wonders of a world of folklore and magic.
Perils & Princessesis a fantasy role-playing game of gritty and pretty fairy tale adventure for 15 players and a Game Master. Steel your resolve, gather your grace and sharpen your wits, and you might just liveHappily Ever After.
Player characters rely on baskets of goodies, trusty hatchets and their hidden talents to help them on their way.The gifts from their Fairy Godmothers help them call upon woodland animals, sing enchanting songs or connect with the elements of natureas they dig deep to survive the perils that await them.
If you’re a fan ofGrimm’s Fairy Tales, animatedPrincess Movies, andClassicStorybookswhere plucky heroes use their resolve and wits as they undergo fantastical adventures, thenthis is your kind of TTRPG.
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